Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic disease or PGT/M is a genetic test for ensuring the newborn baby has no risk of inheriting any genetic disease.

PGT/M is ideal for couples who are at a higher risk of conceiving an IVF child with an inherited disease. PGT/M helps identify and mitigate the risks of transferring genetic disorders into newborns.

PGT/M Testing Cycle

PGT/M Tests vary depending on the disease and mutations that are inherited in the family. DNA samples from egg source, sperm source, and related family members are used to create test probes.

Upon completion of the probe, the reproductive endocrinologist at SOI prescribes fertility medications for stimulating the ovaries to produce a maximum number of eggs.

Next, the eggs are retrieved and fertilized using either traditional or through sperm injection technique.

Finally, the fertilized eggs are allowed to reach the blastocyst stage which takes approximately five to six days. A biopsy is done on the fertilized eggs during which the embryologist removes 2-10 cells from each embryo.

The biopsy samples are sent to the PGT/M lab for checking inherited mutations. The test probes are based on the DNA samples collected initially.

Depending on the results from the PGT test, the unaffected embryos are identified. A particular couple can choose to opt for either embryo transfer or additional retrieval.

SOI Expertise

SOI offers couples with world-class PGT/M screening for safe and secure IVF pregnancy. Couples can consult with our experts and explore all their options to make most of our advanced reproductive genetics services.


PGT/M tests are nearly 98% accurate in the majority of cases.

Yes, confirmatory testing during pregnancy can be done to establish PGT/M results

PGT/M test probes vary depending on the couple’s genetic makeup and likely genetic mutations. Hence, test costs may vary depending on the disease that must be screened for.